786473 20200402 trees in vermont at sunset.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

Read through this list and then go for a walk around your neighborhood to see how many of these things you can find.

  • Three different types of trees
  • HEAR: plane
  • Animal tracks or evidence of animal activity
  • SMELL: mud
  • Squirrel
  • Arched window
  • Seeds
  • HEAR: Bee buzzing
  • A ladder
  • Pine cone
  • SMELL: a flower
  • Macroinvertebrate (bug)
  • Bird
  • Fire hydrant
  • HEAR: cricket or cicada
  • Something yellow
  • Bridge
  • A natural pattern
  • SMELL: moss
  • Spider web
  • Evidence of water (ripples, puddles, runoff trails, erosion)
  • HEAR: stick breaking
  • A bus
  • Something smooth
  • A mushroom
  • Basketball hoop
  • Piece of litter (take it with you)