Privacy Policy

Adirondack Camp respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. Our website is intended to be a fun and educational destination for kids, informational and useful resource for parents, and an engaging and resourceful site for alumni and staff. In order to meet these goals, we collect limited information solely in order to provide you with better service as an visitor.

Any and all information we collect is kept in the strictest confidentiality. We will never share your information with anyone under any circumstance, period.

We believe you should be aware of what information we collect, why we collect it, and how it is used. If you ever have any questions about any of our policies, you may contact us at anytime and we will provide you with clear answers.

What We Collect & Why promotes a Camp community of kids, educators, parents, and friends. An important part of our goal involves staying in touch with our community. Sometimes we voluntarily request information in order to participate in areas of our site. Participation is always voluntary.


Some areas of our website require users to register a username, password and email address in order to participate. Any other user profile information provided is done so on a completely voluntary basis. Parts of this website use cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you have entered above; they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. The e-mail address is used only for confirming your registration details and password (and for sending new passwords should you forget your current one).

We strive to stay in close touch with our community and attempt to keep all of our community in touch with each other. We encourage our alumni and community to keep us informed as to their current contact information including address, phone number, email, and instant message screenname. This information is used in order for us to communicate Camp and website-related information, updates, and news via postal mail and email. This information is provided on a completely voluntary basis. Once received, we only use it for communicational purposes and will never share it with anyone outside of Adirondack Camp.


A cookie is a small data file that web sites write to your hard drive when you visit them. A cookie file most often contains information such as a user ID that the site uses to customize information presentation or track the pages you visit. We use this information to optimize our site in navigation and performance. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, but some parts of our site may not work properly in that case. We use a limited amount of cookies in order to provide a more personalized experience on the site. The information contained in these cookies is completely anonymous and only identifies you as a unique user. We use these cookies to verify you are an authorized user in the alumni directory. Sometimes we utilize online advertising programs to promote our camp and website. We may use cookies to be aware of how many people have been referred from a particular campaign solely in order to decide if the campaign is effective. Again, we will never share or make public any information whatsoever, no matter what.

We collect IP address information for the purposes of system administration and to audit the use of our services and materials. Because we collect and store statistics about your online activities on an aggregated (collective) basis, this information is not personally identifiable. We do not link IP addresses to personal identification unless necessary to enforce compliance with COPPA or to protect our service, site, or users.

Opt-out Policy, Information Updates

All information we retain may be corrected and updated either by the user themselves where applicable, or by contacting Adirondack Camp through our official contact listed below. In addition, any user may request to be removed from any or all mailing or email lists and will be removed in a prompt manner. We are not interested in sending communication to people who don’t want it. Our communications, mail and email are intended and directed to people who want to stay in touch with Adirondack and the Adirondack Camp community.


Any complaints regarding Adirondack Camp’s privacy policy or practices may be sent to the official address listed below. Communications will be responded to promptly.

Official Contact Information

Any communication with Camp may be directed to the following address, phone, fax, and/or email address. Responses will be made promptly.

Adirondack Camp
P.O. Box 97
Putnam Station, NY 12861

Phone: 1-518-547-8261
FAX: 1-518-547-8973
