As part of our holistic review of health and wellness, we are in the process of building a new health center for our ADK community in addition, safe medication administration and storage are priorities for Adirondack Camp. This summer, for all prescription medications and daily over-the-counter (OTC) medication your children bring to camp, we will be using a prepackaged medication system. We are partnering with Keystone Professional Pharmacy (KPP) to provide this service. This is an exciting change for us! The ADK Health Team will continue to dispense medications, but we believe this transition will help make our process safer and smoother for all.

Camp families are required to register with KPP if your camper takes either prescription or daily OTC medicine while at Camp. (if your camper does not take any prescription medications and/or daily OTC meds then you do not need to register) All pills will be dispensed in individually packaged, sealed packets labeled with your child’s name, medication, dosage, date, and time to be given. KPP system ensures that each camper receives the correct medicine at the right time of day. All medication will be shipped to Adirondack Camp prior to your child’s arrival. If your child requires a prescription due to an illness at camp, these will be filled at ADK’s local Walmart pharmacy and will not be processed through KPP.

Keystone Professional Pharmacy will dispense all prescription and daily non-prescription medications, including vitamins and supplements. KPP does not dispense birth control, growth hormones, injectables, inhalers, some acne meds, topical medications, and EpiPens.

What you need to do:

Register as soon as possible

  1. Register by clicking HERE

  2. After registering, parents must complete a Medication Form on the KPP registration page for EACH child.

  3. See KPP’s registration page for details on how to obtain 30-day prescriptions and information regarding requirements for controlled substances.

  4. IMPORTANT: Prescriptions are filled as written. It is your responsibility to confirm the correct medication, dose, and exactly how and when your child takes the medication as prescribed.

  5. Prescriptions can be electronically prescribed to KPP. Please see the prescription and medication section on the KPP website for details.

  6. You and your child’s doctor will still need to fill out the required camp forms that Adirondack Camp requires. Please click HERE to fill out the required Camp forms.

We appreciate your patience as we navigate this new system.
