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Olympics Day

Today we had an special day for the Olympics! In the morning kids were split into different countries and used their creativity and teamwork to hand paint their flags and learn fun facts about their nations. After an extended rest hour we entered into the opening ceremony, all the team flags were raised and each nation shared their facts. Then the olympic torch was lit and the games began!

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Throughout the afternoon teams competed for gold in various activities around camp. At the end of the day it was Team Mexico that took away the win! The night ended in typical Saturday night style - with the dance!

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We had a staff Big Triangle before breakfast, the 1.8 mile swim event out to Anthony’s Nose, Glenburnie and then back to camp. Our camper event will take place in week 7! For breakfast we had cartoons and waffles made by our Ranger campers. After an open club morning and the oppurtinity to change schedules for the week, the afternoon rolled into two different tournaments. Our tennis tournament Patryk and Three v Three basketball, both are in the initial knock-out stages of the competition.

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Blue/White was a surpise - Staff Hunt A camper favorite where every adult in camp can be caught (even the mailman!) either by being tagged or by giving a trivia question. Campers walk caught counselors up to the flagpole to check in, some counselors are worth points and some are minus points, no one knows until they check in! The day ended with Gathering at Sign Point, sharing stories, poems and heartfelt thoughts with everyone at camp. What a great way to end the week!

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Week 5 Video

Guest Artists this Week

This week we have former Moss Line Head Sarah returning to teach Extreme Friendship Bracelet Making! We also have Lynn teaching ceramics and Amy and Dawn are teaching paper making. We also have Greg and Erin back from Session One with the ADK Glassblowing Studio! It’s an exciting week of Guest Artists for sure.

What’s On Today

The weather today will be mostly sunny with a chance of thunderstorms with a high of 81°F (27°C) and an overnight low of 64°F (17°C). It’s a Monday so the evening activity will be Junior & Intermediate Cabin Night and Senior Line Night.
