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New Zealand FlagNew Zealand


Kia Ora! My name is Jared. I am 24 years old and come from the bottom of the world, way down in New Zealand! I’m an engineer by trade and have worked at many cool places, such as giant sawmills and world-class ziplining courses, maintaining machines and equipment. My favorite hobbies include fishing, hanging out with my dog, rock climbing, playing instruments, and learning new skills! I enjoy teaching the skills I know and can’t wait to make many memories with everyone. This will be my first time traveling to the US, so I need plenty of recommendations on things to do!

I’ve never attended a summer camp before, but I am excited to spend my first at Adirondack. Hopefully, you guys enjoy fishing as much as I do because I’ll be teaching it this summer. I grew up fishing in the ocean, catching many different species, but over the past few years, I have spent time learning to fish freshwater and catch trout! I’m super excited to see some new freshwater species in Lake George. I’m looking forward to teaching you guys some new skills and sharing some hilarious fishing tales.

I am really looking forward to camp life, as I feel it will be very different from New Zealand. I’m looking forward to teaching campers this year and am excited to learn a thing or two from you guys as well! Tight lines and happy camping
