Land Sports
On any given day during our kids’ summer program, you will hear the cacophonous sounds of bouncing basketballs echoing off the cliffs, missed rim shots clanging across the peninsula and raucous cheers of victory and defeat…evidence of our kids’ basketball camp program. With a panoramic view of Lake George and the Adirondack Mountains, there’s no better place to “shoot some hoops.” Our summer basketball camp program is very popular at Adirondack Camp and one that is appropriate for all age and skill levels. When not being used for a basketball class, the court is open for campers to practice their shot, play a pick-up game, or just enjoy each others’ company.

Similar to exclusive youth basketball camps, Adirondack campers can move through the ranks as they become more and more skilled. At the beginner level, campers learn the fundamentals of basketball: how to dribble, pass effectively to other teammates, and how to ‘hustle’ with excitement and enthusiasm. Campers at the intermediate skill level work toward improving their ball handling, shooting and passing techniques. At the more advanced level, players practice game drills including proper communication skills, offensive and defensive formations, extended playtimes and team competitions. At all levels, our summer camp basketball coaches encourage teamwork and good sportsmanship.

The Adirondack Camp basketball program offers something for everyone. Our energetic basketball camp instructors are very passionate about their sport and are always conscious and considerate of each boy and girl’s ability. In addition to the 3-on-3 camper/staff tournament (AKA “Tree on Tree”), and our hotly-anticipated annual Blue/White basketball match, several inter-camp competitions take place over the course of the summer against neighboring camps. Even camps that tout themselves as summer basketball camps are excited about the chance to play on the b-ball court where players have been known to rise to the occasion of the high flying panorama that surrounds them!